Aviva Premiership

Dave Attwood Is A Power Forward With A Maternal Instinct

Dave Attwood block

It’s not uncommon for professional athletes to seek an edge in their chosen sport through the application of principles learnt in another. Dave Attwood is no exception. But the basketball skills he acquired in the offseason aren’t the reason he did what he did. That’s not what this is about.

Dave Attwood did this because he’s a humanitarian. He doesn’t care what the haters or the citing officials say. He’s not doing this for them. He’s doing this for all the mothers watching at home. Those poor women, anxiously hoping that today won’t be the day their little Will, James or Ofisa Treveranus gets hurt. Dave Attwood isn’t looking out for number one, he’s looking out for numbers one through fifteen.

For any kids out there looking to emulate Dave’s compassion for his fellow man, here’s a quick primer:
